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not a new member VUT11!!!!!!!

Mon Jul 03, 2017 12:45 pm
by mahound
havent been on for awhile. i had a stroke hand( 5 years ago hand is paralised so i cant even hold a book[size[/s or even turn a page over the last book i read was(i think)was t he desert god, can someone tell me what books i have m been published sin since august 2012 a also an idea of what they're about, also would like some quick synopsis's of what the main stories are about also your opinions of the books would be greatly appreciated and would be would great help also are any of the books
available in any other form, sound files etc
many thanks in a advance
i know that some one will provide this information So many thanks in advance--- Mahound
great to be back typing idsnot much better, took me 20 minutes to type this message, with one hand
Re: not a new member VUT11!!!!!!!

Tue Jul 04, 2017 11:31 pm
by tedd
Welcome back Mahound. Sorry to hear about your disability - looks as if you'll be a right candidate for Kindle publications - most of WS's book are available via Kindle. dtietens has done a very good job on the Synopses of WS's books including the new Cross novels - just click on the saga titles listed that you are interested in and you'll find his synopses without too much trouble - I'm not sure if he has done all the recent books but Cross is definitely up to date. Good luck
Re: not a new member VUT11!!!!!!!

Thu Jul 13, 2017 1:36 pm
by mahound
tedd wrote:Welcome back Mahound. Sorry to hear about your disability - looks as if you'll be a right candidate for Kindle publications - most of WS's book are available via Kindle. dietitians has done a very good job on the Synopses of WS's books including the new Cross novels - just click on the saga titles listed that you are interested in and you'll find his synopses without too much trouble - I'm not sure if he has done all the recent books but Cross is definitely up to date. Good luck
het the kindle not the same as the smell and touch of an actual post looked for some audio books when the lions feed £32.00 cry wolf £19.00 cant afford that haven't worked for 5 years. if any one can give me links of any good sites for kindle books and audio books i'll have a good look at them, saying that i have just bought an amazon cone and it is supposed to be able to read books, so i am gonna give that a try have Alexa read me a book at bed time A BOUT FROM AMAZON 1/2 price only£79.99 as against £149.99 thanks for the suggestions
Re: not a new member VUT11!!!!!!!

Fri Jul 14, 2017 5:22 am
by E-Hoog
Hi Mahound,
Sad to read your story and welcome back!
All the best,
Re: not a new member VUT11!!!!!!!

Tue Jul 18, 2017 8:03 pm
by johnrogers
Hi Mahound hope your doing well.Something you should investigate are audiobooks on You Tube,if you spend some time searching you will find many newer popular books available in audio form.I am not a great fan of audiobooks being that I like to stop and contemplate what I am reading and audiobooks are simply to quick for me.
Anyway Mahound check it out and remember they are free.