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MY fav Poem!

PostPosted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 4:23 am
by parimalakris
"All the world is our home, all men our kin.
Good and evil do not befall us caused by others hands, nor do pain and joy.
Death is not new to us, nor living a matter for elation.
We do not rejoice that life is sweet, nor cry that life is hell.
When sorrow comes, we know from visions of seers that life must run its natural course- like a raft in a rapid current.
And hence, we neither marvel at the great nor the smaller men disdain."
-(trans- Tamil) Kanian poongundranar- .c.600B.C.- 600A.D.

Re: MY fav Poem!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 3:37 am
by parimalakris
ahem..."Ladies and Gentlemen!!! Good morning to all!! oh! in case that doesn't apply to you, Good afternoon\ Good evening! I would like to invite y'all to share your poems here!!