I do not support one or the other WikiLeaks or Julian Assange in any way at all.As far as WikiLeaks publicaton of classified documents I find it offending to publish and dangerous for the sake of world peace.I find the documents obtained by WikiLeaks were in fact stolen documents.I find the publication of these items are a form of terrorism thru the media.Journalists will not agree with this I am sure and hold there position of support for WikiLeaks under there guild of freedom of speech.I do not agree when something of this nature exsists that has potential to cause great harm in a world that is tottering on the edge of war.I find the publication of classifed stolen documents cheap underhanded cowardly and destructive for no purpose.
Julian Assange whom is a separate enity of WikiLeaks.I am not judgeing him due to his legal rape problems,but I do believe that he is somewhat deviant in his character mentally and sexually.I do believe that he is pandering for attention only,he is an egotistical idiot and what he does is for his own self centered benefit.I do not like him and I do not trust him in any way.His contributions to the world are only creating unneeded havoc with no purpose.Only for his own personal gain and claim to fame
I would not want to be Julian Assange - the governments of the world will be watching him till the day he dies