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Re: travel

Postby johnrogers » Sun Oct 16, 2011 6:42 pm

To The Sad Dropouts from A Wilbur Smith Novel

Can either or one of you two please elaborate and tell about the lost ruins or city - called The White City - or The Lost City of Gonarezhou - myth or not I would love to know the story behind it.

[b7] Have enrolled in an advanced cooking course on the fine art of Kudo and Bitong cooking - as well have been practicing skinning Guiena Fowl in my backyard

Great story Tedd about your breakfast with the elderley gentleman you mention.
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Re: travel

Postby dtietens » Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:21 pm

Last edited by dtietens on Fri Oct 21, 2011 11:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: travel

Postby tedd » Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:47 pm

From Google (am searching for more) - South Eastern Zimbabwe is full of myths and legends. The lost city of King Soloman is supposedly on the sides of a mountain in the present day Gona Re Zhou National Park. Coins from the times of the crusaders and Richard The Lion Heart have been said to be found in the ruins of Great Zimbabwe. Arab Dows are believed to have traveled up the Save River to trade with the peoples of Great Zimbabwe. A group of people known as the Lemba people claim to be direct descendants of a select group of Jewish priests who left Judea over 2,500 years ago. None of these fantastical stories have any scientific substance, at least all but one.

A few years ago a study took place on the DNA of the Lemba people. This study proved, without a single doubt, that their Y-chromosomes are a direct link to Jewish peoples. Men from the Buba clan—which oral tradition states that they were the clan of priests that led them out of Judea 2,500 years ago—carry a Y-chromosome known as the Cohen modal haplotype (CMH). Among Jewish people around the world, the marker is also most prevalent in the Jewish Kohanim, or priests.

Many of the Lemba peoples are now Christian but they have a Shabbat day, call themselves the chosen people, do not eat pork, practice animal slaughter in a way so as to make it fit for human consumption, place a star of David on their tombstones, and discourage their people from marrying outside of the Lemba tribe.

The Lemba people claim that they built the great enclosure at Great Zimbabwe, this has never been proven either way. They also claim to have carried a sacred object known as the ‘Ngoma Lungundu” or drum that thunders or the voice of God from Jedea. It is theorized by some that this was at one time the Ark of the Covenant, rebuilt by the Lemba over the years after the original exploded in battle. The modern Ngoma Lungundu is thought to be sitting in a dusty storeroom in Harare Museum
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Re: travel

Postby johnrogers » Mon Oct 17, 2011 1:49 pm

tedd wrote:From Google (am searching for more) - South Eastern Zimbabwe is full of myths and legends. The lost city of King Soloman is supposedly on the sides of a mountain in the present day Gona Re Zhou National Park. Coins from the times of the crusaders and Richard The Lion Heart have been said to be found in the ruins of Great Zimbabwe. Arab Dows are believed to have traveled up the Save River to trade with the peoples of Great Zimbabwe. A group of people known as the Lemba people claim to be direct descendants of a select group of Jewish priests who left Judea over 2,500 years ago. None of these fantastical stories have any scientific substance, at least all but one.

A few years ago a study took place on the DNA of the Lemba people. This study proved, without a single doubt, that their Y-chromosomes are a direct link to Jewish peoples. Men from the Buba clan—which oral tradition states that they were the clan of priests that led them out of Judea 2,500 years ago—carry a Y-chromosome known as the Cohen modal haplotype (CMH). Among Jewish people around the world, the marker is also most prevalent in the Jewish Kohanim, or priests.

Many of the Lemba peoples are now Christian but they have a Shabbat day, call themselves the chosen people, do not eat pork, practice animal slaughter in a way so as to make it fit for human consumption, place a star of David on their tombstones, and discourage their people from marrying outside of the Lemba tribe.

The Lemba people claim that they built the great enclosure at Great Zimbabwe, this has never been proven either way. They also claim to have carried a sacred object known as the ‘Ngoma Lungundu” or drum that thunders or the voice of God from Jedea. It is theorized by some that this was at one time the Ark of the Covenant, rebuilt by the Lemba over the years after the original exploded in battle. The modern Ngoma Lungundu is thought to be sitting in a dusty storeroom in Harare Museum

Thanks for that Tedd - my god that is an interesting story if there ever was one - would be good fodder for a book for sure - I am sure there are many mysterys of the world still to be uncovered and as yourself I believe there is an element of truth to all things including myths and legends.
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Re: travel

Postby chookie » Thu Oct 20, 2011 3:29 pm

annagram wrote:
chookie wrote:I travel on a regular basis.

To the bank and back once a fortnight to get my pension out.

Good a.

Hey, chokie - you are lucky - I only get mine once a month :D


Mine is compliments of the defence dept and I have a clear mind when I receive it.

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Re: travel

Postby Stritchy » Sun Nov 13, 2011 5:37 am

I've been to South Africa twice now and the first visit prompted me to read Wilbur Smith. I can't stop reading now about this amazing place. It makes me miss the place so much. I will be returning there in July for 3 months to work on a nature reserve. Thanks to Wilbur Smith my love for Africa has grown beyond all imagination.
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