Advice for men:
when you see the girl of your dreams approach her, look in her eyes and tell her your name, ask her for her's.
be yourself.
be honest whatever the cost
be the best man that you can be, give your maximum effort.
listen to her, she see's things differently than you do.
learn all about her, you already know your story.
don't be afraid of getting hurt or trying to be cool
If one day you ask yourself if you can picture your life without that woman and you can't. than do whatever it takes to marry her.
you must be willing to love her even when you are mad at her.
you must realize that it will mean hard emotionally draining work, marriage is tough sometimes.
and if she has all of the following:
deep, warm, brown eyes
the perfect smile, white and radiant
the face of one of Gods Angels
the body of one of Botticelli's temptations (Curves RULE!)
She must be a brunette! preferably with long hair
then savor each lucky moment that you get with her.
I've just discribed my wife, who for 13 years she has made me the luckiest guy on this planet.