I am trying to create a new word or group of words for the English Language.
Recently in the office we have been introduced to the second name of a bloke in one of the companies we deal with, this being Forkan.
I caused huge jocularity in the office when one day I uttered the fateful words "What the Forkan hell is going on". This seemed to me a good way of expressing my frustration at an issue and much more less vulgar than the real F word. The intonation was important in the saying of the phrase.
Other usage has taken place with words like
Unforkanable - unbelievable
Forkanicity - The act of being able to use the Forkan word in varied ways.
Forkan off - Go away
After this event we found the name of another bloke who had also provided some very naff information one day.
His name Bastian Muelhaus. I kid you not.
So now this phrase has been renowned for anything that is a large error.
This has often been shortened to just "What a Bastian"
Bastian again with specific intonation can sound very similar to another vulgar word that ryhmes with barsteward.
Now I have tried to get this on the Wiki dictionary but for some reason it gets deleted. Anyone got any ideas why and also how I can promote these words in everyday language.