Finished the Genghis Khan series today.Four books in the series - #1 Wolf of the Plains - #2 Lords of the Bow - #3 Bones of the Hills and - #4 Empire of Silver which I have just completed - loved it started reading it and could not put it down.The series is historical fiction about Genghis Khan and the Mongrel society amazing people please read this saga you will love it.
I did this however I read the first three books in a row and got a little bit of an overdose so I decided to put Empire of Silver to the side and save it for a rainy day which I am glad I did.I am sure we will see a fifth book in the series in a few years from Conn Iggulden and I will tell you I will be first in line to get my hands on it.
Another thing I would like to mention is the book Empire of Silver got a lot of bad reviews by readers when it first came out kind of like the same thing that is happening with Wilbur Smiths new novel Those in Peril.
Point is this - never judge a book until you have read it yourself I truly loved Empire of Silver by Conn Iggulden contrary to some of the 2 star reviews I read
Empire of Silver - 10 out of 10

Learn to appreciate what you have and quit worrying about what you don't - Remember to think before you speak,people judge you by what you say about others