Hi John; not the exact date, but
Beneath a Colesberg Sky is now complete! ( little teaser for you; Colesberg...? I wonder what it's about...?

Finishing last minute edits at the mo and waiting for the proof reader to throw it back at me and shout; 'fix the damned thing!' Anyway, really pleased with the results, 500 pages plus/minus so should kleep you busy for a day or two - with Amazon Kindle for digital and with Creatspace, their paperback outlet. Been a tough journey; lot of competition out there from WS's ghost writer, new publishers and fancy web site, however, worries me not; cometh the hour, cometh the man... we shall see; almost time to stick my neck out. May well, once the cover has been done, put it out on pre.order, haven't decided. Stay in touch and believe me when I say, 'moooocho thankyou for your support !!!' God Bless. You take care, J