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Re: Jeffrey Whittam - Sons Of Africa

Sun Nov 29, 2015 1:13 pm
by jeffw
Matbow wrote:Reading now!
Thanks Mat!

Re: Jeffrey Whittam - Sons Of Africa

Mon Nov 30, 2015 1:28 am
by E-Hoog
Jeff, do you already have an ETA for the paperback?
Btw, I also wrote a book this year, though I can't especially recommend it for reading

Re: Jeffrey Whittam - Sons Of Africa

Mon Nov 30, 2015 2:24 am
by jeffw
Hi E; Paperback is out there now on Amazon .com and .co - don't think they print paperbacks in Netherlands. Wish they did! You take care. ps will check out your book!
Re: Jeffrey Whittam - Sons Of Africa

Mon Nov 30, 2015 4:20 am
by E-Hoog
Oh nice. I always order at amazon uk. Will do that soon

Re: Jeffrey Whittam - Sons Of Africa

Tue Dec 08, 2015 4:54 pm
by johnrogers
Howdy Jeff thought I would let you know I am postponing reading Beneath A Colesberg Sky until after the New Year,we are so busy this time of the year, and I am saving it as a special treat for the New Year when the madness is over and done with.Not only Christmas but we are hosting a Christmas party for the emergency room staff at St Josephs hospital at my home about 100 people expected.Thought I would let you know.
Re: Jeffrey Whittam - Sons Of Africa

Wed Dec 09, 2015 3:00 am
by jeffw
You're a good man, John. Wish I could be there. The book can wait - people are more important. You have a great Christmas. Will talk again in the new year. My very best to you and yours. Jeff

Re: Jeffrey Whittam - Sons Of Africa

Sat Dec 12, 2015 7:01 am
by E-Hoog
wow John, that is quite an undertaking. Good luck!
As an aside: I just ordered
Beneath a Colesberg Sky 
Re: Jeffrey Whittam - Sons Of Africa

Sat Dec 12, 2015 9:52 am
by Matbow
jeffw wrote:Matbow wrote:Reading now!
Thanks Mat!

Finished the book the other day and really enjoyed it! Throughout the whole book I kept asking myself the same question - "Would Jeff co-author a book with Wilbur if asked?"
Re: Jeffrey Whittam - Sons Of Africa

Sun Dec 13, 2015 2:33 am
by jeffw
Matbow wrote:jeffw wrote:Matbow wrote:Reading now!
Thanks Mat!

Finished the book the other day and really enjoyed it! Throughout the whole book I kept asking myself the same question - "Would Jeff co-author a book with Wilbur if asked?"
Would be honoured, Mat. If only..? The genius of WS has always been my driving force. Chuffed you enjoyed the read, best regards, Jeff.
Re: Jeffrey Whittam - Sons Of Africa

Sun Dec 13, 2015 3:40 am
by tedd
My copy is ordered and on its way - looking forward to it eagerly and I know I won't be disappointed tedd
Re: Jeffrey Whittam - Sons Of Africa

Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:52 am
by jeffw
tedd wrote:My copy is ordered and on its way - looking forward to it eagerly and I know I won't be disappointed tedd
Thanks for your support Ted! But that has never been in question. God bless for the coming year. Jeff

Re: Jeffrey Whittam - Sons Of Africa

Wed Feb 03, 2016 8:17 pm
by tedd
Re: Jeffrey Whittam - Sons Of Africa

Thu Feb 04, 2016 2:01 am
by jeffw
tedd wrote:
Scenes of your books Jeff - Memories !!
Fantastic, Ted!!! Watch it over and over again !!! Thanks. J

Re: Jeffrey Whittam - Sons Of Africa

Fri Apr 07, 2017 6:37 pm
by tedd
About time we had an up-date from young Jeff Whittam on how he's doing! We're all looking forward to his next work. How's it going Jeff?
Re: Jeffrey Whittam - Sons Of Africa

Wed Jun 07, 2017 3:10 am
by jeffw
Hi Tedd; been flat out writing...two books on the go...follow on to Beneath a Colesb. Sky, and a stand alone thriller. Stand alone will be 'out' first, hope to finish by end of this year. Take care and stay in touch. Jeff.
Re: Jeffrey Whittam - Sons Of Africa

Thu Jun 08, 2017 7:25 pm
by tedd
Interesting to note that Jeff has had the second largest number of' 'Views' of all the "Other Authors" listed and has more than doubled the number of "Replies" of the nearest of thew "Other authors". If that's indicative of the level of interest and status of Jeff's books then he has a good public - and good luck to him, may it go higher and higher. Does the stand alone have an Af background?
Re: Jeffrey Whittam - Sons Of Africa

Fri Jun 09, 2017 2:35 pm
by jeffw
Yes Ted, very much so;pretty unique story line, don't think it has been done before. (I hope). Won't spoil it for you. Very excited this time - should entertain. Once again, thanks for your support and kind words....don't want to be seen as 'muscling in' on Wilbur's space, though. Wish I had the same backing...tough out here in 'Billy no mates land'. Self publishing aint easy...99% of readers don't even know I exist. One day, maybe...
You take care, will try to stay in touch more...
Your friend,
Re: Jeffrey Whittam - Sons Of Africa

Fri Apr 27, 2018 8:02 am
by tedd
My breath is still bated!
Re: Jeffrey Whittam - Sons Of Africa

Wed May 23, 2018 9:10 pm
by tedd
I think our fellow member and homegrown author Jeff needs a bit of a "cheer-up" from the Forum. It's months since we've heard book news from him and he's either working on his greatest opus or he's abandoned us and his writings for other fields. Let's hope we get another book soon! Good wishes Jeff.