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Michael Crichton (The Jurassic Park guy)

PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 7:40 pm
by Penitent
I read "Jurassic Park" when it first came out in the early nineties. And I thought it was a fine science fiction book, I also thought that it would be the perfect material for Steven Spielberg to make a movie out of. Well, Steven Spielberg made his movie and it was a mistake to watch it after reading the book. The novel is far superior if farfetched at some points. I reread it recently and I like it even better. It's dark, gory, imaginative and gripping.
An amusement park full of real dinos! I can't believe I did not have that idea myself…

PostPosted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 7:22 pm
by Son of the Silver Fox
I Agree I Liked Jurassic Park, however for a true test try Sphere, Contact, The 13th Warrior, or The Terminal Man...they suck like an Electrolux.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 8:36 pm
by Penitent
The warning for Sphere comes a little too late… But I will watch out for the others

Michael Crichton

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 1:46 am
by Ada
I had a thing going for Crichton a while back and read:
    The Andromeda Strain
    Jurassic Park
    Rising Sun (the only one I own a copy of & have seen the movie which starred Sean Connery)
    The Lost World

Keeping in mind my previous recording system for: "The Books I Have Read", was lousy - i.e. scraps of paper with only an occasional comment written next to the titles/authors (and those mainly being "boring" or "don't read anymore"). The above mustn't have been too bad as there were no comments/notes with the list. (Also I would not have read that many of his novels if I didn't like them.)

It's a shame when an author can write a batch of really good books and then produce a whole lot of stinkers. Thank goodness we've got free libraries :D.