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Reader's Bill of Rights

PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 4:01 pm
by Penitent
I run into this and I thought it is fitting to have it in our forum…
• You have the right never to apologize for your reading tastes.
• You have the right to read anything you want.
• You have the right to read anywhere you want... in the bathtub, in the car, in the grocery store, under the porch, or while walking the dog.
• You have the right to read in bed. Under the covers. With a flashlight.
• You have the right to carry books in your baggage at all times.
• You have the right to read in exotic settings.
• You have the right to move your lips when you read.
• You have the right to read the good parts out loud to your nearest and dearest.
• You have the right to refuse to read the good parts out loud to your nearest and dearest.
• You have the right to read and eat at the same time. (This right, however, does not include the right to use food as a bookmark when you are reading library books. Even if it's the very best potato salad.)
• You have the right to read and make love at the same time. (But-- depending on local ordinances and regulations-- you may or may not have the right to ask your librarian for suggested books.)
• You have the right to read as many books as you want at the same time.
• You have the right to throw any book on the floor and jump up and down on it (provided that you paid for it first).
• You have the right to ignore the critics at the New York Review of Books.
• More importantly, you have the right to ignore the critics in your immediate family.
• You have the right to stop reading a book whenever you decide it's not worth the effort, or that you simply don't like it.
• You have the right to refuse to read any book anyone else picks out for you. Even if it's a birthday present.
• You have the right to skip all the boring parts.
• You have the right to read the last chapter first.
• You have the right to read the last chapter first and then put the book back on the shelf.
• You have the right to refuse to read any book where you don't like the picture of the author.
• If you do not have a genre book of your own, a genre book will be provided for you by your public library.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 12:42 am
by nebogatoff
Love it!!

PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 1:26 pm
by delby
ha ha ha I threw JEAN AUELS the mammoth hunters down and jumped on it loads of times in exasperation with the characters stupidity.