
Discussion about Wilbur Smith's Egyptian series.


Postby happyfunball » Fri Aug 28, 2009 2:53 pm

so I just reread The Seventh Scroll, and before that had read The Quest for the first time, and in those Corn is mentioned several times.
however, to the best of my knowledge, corn is native to south america and wasn't seen off the american continent till after Columbus, so why is he talking about the ancient egyptians growing corn?
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Re: corn

Postby tedd » Sat Aug 29, 2009 3:12 am

In the United Kingdom and probably many other countries "corn" is a generic term and is used when referiing to all cereal grains. The Corn Markets existed in the UK long before maize became known. And I think from my Sunday School days I can recall the Bible referred to "corn" whichtakes the word back to the first translations of the Bible into English which would have been pre-1000AD. So what appears to havehappened is the reverse of what you suggest - the Yanks have purloined the generic word Corn to apply only to Maize
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Re: corn

Postby happyfunball » Sat Aug 29, 2009 7:32 pm

ok, that works.
just thought it was a bit too obvious of a goof for him to make since he seems to do his research, far as i can see. struck me as odd.
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