Wilbur's Language

Discussion about Wilbur Smith's Egyptian series.

Wilbur's Language

Postby syrokomlam » Sun Jun 26, 2011 12:37 pm

I am a dedicated fan of Smith's books although I've read only 4 of them. My background in cultural anthropology and languages finds a lot of resonance in what I have learned so far.
English is my second language (Polish is first) but, until I read his novels, I thought I knew it well.
The author's incredible and bountiful vocabulary has made me start looking for the meaning of very many of the words he uses. As a matter of fact, I bought myself a notebook and put down all the words which I highlight yellow while reading, to create my own Wilbur dictionary which greatly enhances my knowledge of English.
Thank you, Mr. Smith.
Mathew Syrokomla, Toronto, Canada
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Re: Wilbur's Language

Postby johnrogers » Sun Jul 31, 2011 3:40 pm

I agree with you about wilburs masterful vocabulary and his storytelling ability.There is no other like him,I have read all of his books,as well he has expanded my use of the englih language and I have spoke it all my life.There is no one like him - his ability to translate the story to the reader is amazing.
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Re: Wilbur's Language

Postby E-Hoog » Wed Aug 03, 2011 2:49 am

I know what you mean Mathew :-). It's the same for me. Though I'm too lazy to write down words :wink:
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