Well, you've missed a lot of what happens, so I'll try and be as brief as possible!
[spoiler] After Tanus wipes out the Shrikes, he & Lostris meet up in a cave in the desert while Pharaoh is otherwise occupied, hunting with his new cheetahs. And wouldn't you know, a massive sandstorm blows up, trapping the love triangle in said cave for 3 days. Lostris' & Tanus passion can no longer be denied, so they make love for 3 days, while poor Taita has his heart torn to shreds, wishing for death as his BFF has his way with Lostris.
The storm over, Tanus leaves, & mistress & slave return, only to find that Lostris is pregnant - what a suprise! She gives birth to Memnon, Ruler of the Dawn, official son of Pharoah. Of course, only the love triangle know of Mem's parentage & Tanus is once again shafted.
They wait for the 5 year point when Lostris will be free to go to Tanus. Little do they know that this means Pharoah will be killed by the invaders from the north, the Hyksos, who have chariots driven by man eating horses
Anyway, Egypt is defeated, and Tanus can now go to Lostris. Yay! Only he's sworn not to take up the crown, so it has to be in secret. Taita works the Mazes again, and the gods say, flee south to Cush! And so they do.
They flee all the way to Qebi (=Khartoum) spend a few years there building up their army, which now has a chariot division. Here the wanderers make contact with the Ethiopians, and Memnon falls in love with a girl, Tanus with an iron sword, and Taita with a new breed of horses. Circumstances ensue, and Taita is taken prisoner for a few years by the Ethiopians. He escapes, returns to Qebi, gathers an expedtionary force to resuce Mem's girl, the sword & horses. Mem is 20 years old at this point, so they've been out of Egypt for about 15, I would say.
This is where I usually stop reading altogether, because it's really sad. While the guys are battling, Tanus is skwered by the sword he fell in love with, and dies. Before this happens, Mem comes to him and confesses that Tanus was always like a father to him. Of course, the poor guy just melts into tears. Mem still doesn't know the truth, so doesn't know why Tanus is crying. Tanus gives Mem the sword, turns his back and dies.
Lostris is of course devastated. When the force returns to Qebi, they finally put the old Pharoah in his tomb (they couldn't leave him & his treasure in Egypt for the Hyksos) and Taita & Kratas switch his & Tanus' bodies, so it's Tanus in the tomb of the Pharaoh.
Mem maries his girl, & they begin their return to Egypt. On the way their, Lostris gets cancer (ovarian I think) and a little while after her son re-captures Thebes, she dies, and the light goes out of Taita's soul.
He tells us that he has been writing these scrolls during the 70 day embalming period, and will place these records in his mistress' tomb. He wishes he could die, but his prince needs him.
And so it ends. [/spoiler]
I never thought Taita vain and a coward - I see a lot of me in him. Well, maybe the cautious cowards part, not the genuis part! He seemed to me the embodiment of the time he lived in, even more so because he's not Egyptian. Of all WS's heros, he is the most flawed and the most human.