TA DA! Finally, from the horses mouth....Taa-eeta. It's too late though, we've all got our favourites. The "How do you pronounce these?: thread here in the Egyptians has every pronunciation under the sun. Mine was always Tay-Ta but I did like the Tye-eeta - it sounds much nicer but old habits die hard. WS probably guessed there would be many interpretations & even has his own in the stories, e.g. Tata which I now assume must be pronounced Taa-Taa.
The mystical theme is not going to worry me at all but from what I've read on this Forum, not everyone is going to be happy.
There used to be a copy of
She in the house but I can't find it - it might have gone to the Op. Shop. I'm tempted to see if I can borrow it from the library & read it again before
The Quest arrives here. IIRC '
She' isn't very long - certainly no where near as long as WS novels.
Like a lot of members I'm currently rereading Warlock & because of a few references to Lostris & how long ago this & that happened, I'm working out how old Taita is at the beginning of Warlock. At this stage I think he is 71 so not as old as everyone is making out. I will try to work out how many years Warlock covers to enable a calculation of Taita's age at the beginning of The Quest. (I'll scream if WS actualy deigns to tell us this time.