Danny Ramone wrote:O.k... I just saw The diamond hunters....
what a load of crap.... It really annoyed me actually.
******warning possible movie spoilers/rant********
The screen writer who I had never heard of obviously had the arrogance to think that they could do a better job than WS who has sold how many copies of his books?
At first I noticed the changed the order, but then they changed to story. The old man actually liked johnny in the end, there was no mission of hate that was handed to Benedict. They made up a back story of the old man being in love with Johnny's mum thats why he always was hard on him.
They changed rubys character so that she want a money grubber that deserved what she got. But an angel who's only crime was to come second best to Tracey.
Hugo Kramer was a character they pulled out of their arse and gave them a name out of the book.
Like I mentioned the Timeline was changed. Johnny didnt work for the old man right untill he was nearly dead.
And the actual filmmaking was inconsistent there was no attention to detail (The old man had a fading put on south african accent), while the guys had american ones) the love scenes were too frequent and it seems they had tried to capture WS's love for rudie scenes, but somehwo it just cheapened the story and made it seem like a bad porno.
It just annoys me, if people are going to do something why do it half assed? the changed to the story made it crap, it was a soppy love story mainly centered on ruby being hard done by and the old man actually liking johnny in the end.
The only good bits about the movie are all the shots of Alyssa Milanos bosom, and the scenery shots of south africa.
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