by Killraven » Tue Nov 29, 2005 5:38 am
My thoughts on the stand-alones, which I found to be very much a mixed bag...
The Dark Of The Sun
When I first read this years ago, I thought it was so-so - but when I finally got into WS last year, I rediscovered it and appreciated it more. The amount of action crammed into it is quite amazing.
Shout At The Devil
Unfinished, because I found its humourous tone rather dumb.
Gold Mine
I haven't read this yet.
The Diamond Hunters
One of my least-favourite WS novels - it just didn't engage me.
The Sunbird
Unfinished, although I'd like to get back to it one day - it was quite compelling, and something a little different.
Eagle In The Sky
The first half-or-so of this novel is very thrilling...but, after the story shifts from Israel to Africa, it becomes too convoluted (especially with the subplot involving the local villain, which got rather silly)
The Eye Of The Tiger
One of my most favourite WS novels, if not the most favourite - it's a great treasure-hunt story, period, with one of WS's most engaging heroes.
Cry Wolf
Unfinished, although I'd like to get back to it one day - it wasn't bad (I first tried this years ago before becoming a WS fan)
Hungry As The Sea
One of my least-favourite WS novels - I couldn't stand the hero, who I found too heroic and too much of a wanker.
Wild Justice
Unfinished, because although it opens with a startling hijacking sequence, I thought it eventually petered out and became somewhat dull.
Elephant Song
Unfinished - I may get back to it one day, because it was okay.