X-Men was amazing! I really liked it, & hate that it's the last one. Ah well! No more Cyclops to drool over
I'll try and avoid dropping spoilers, but the movie left me thinking. I dunno if that's good or not for an action movie?!
The special effects were pretty good, and Wolverine rocked, as usual
I loved seeing The Beast, Kelsey G. did a really good job in that role! My bro' was especially happy to see Mystique this time around.... I'll leave it to the movie to tell you why...
It was the perfect length... although there were some holes in the plot, you kinda forgot about them when the action sequences rolled by.
Last movie on my list is Pirates! I'm running out of money to fuel my summer movie mania
BTW, Superman looks really really sad & pathetic. It seems so clinical, with no feeling shown by the actors, and their plot line seems very thin.
shrugs I think I'll be giving it a miss.