That was the year 1993

Discussion about Wilbur Smith's Egyptian series.

That was the year 1993

Postby Nathan » Sun Apr 27, 2008 4:28 am

For those of you who remember when River God was originally published back in '93, what were your initial thoughts and feelings regarding the new genre Wilbur had decided to include in his work? Were you excited at the prospect of WS dabbling in Ancient Egypt or would you rather he had wrote another Courtney or Ballantyne?

Also, upon completion of your first reading of RG, how did you initially rate it?

One more thing, I know Wilbur isn't getting any younger, but let's broaden our minds and imagine if he was to begin writing another brand new series - what would you want the theme of it to be?
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Re: That was the year 1993

Postby Etaeb » Fri May 09, 2008 8:40 am

Okay, so I read this book ten years after it came out, and seeing as though it was my first WS book, I loved it.

Since he's so into Africa and the like, it would be interesting to see his take on the other Ancient civilisations, including Ancient Greece, Rome etc. A novel on the Vikings would be cool.

This is the sort of stuff I'm interested in, not current events or recent history, so ... :D
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Re: That was the year 1993

Postby andre85 » Tue Jan 20, 2009 9:59 pm

Well river god was the first WS book I ever read and to say that it absolutely blew my mind would be an understatement. I was around 9 or ten years old when I read it. My father did not want me to read it as he deemed me too immature (I was reading enid blyton and the like at that age). However the cover art captivated me and on the pretext of building a model boat I used to sneak into the storeroom every night to read the book. It was the first real book that I read ,it opened my mind to a new world and made me interested in ancient history.

Today after reading loads of books including most of WS's books I am glad he decided to write about egypt.

One particular era about which I hope he decides to write is the roman era - think the carthaginians - the berbers - It would be fantastic if written in the same vein as RIver God.
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