River God Ending

Discussion about Wilbur Smith's Egyptian series.

River God Ending

Postby pocketsout » Tue Dec 29, 2009 4:54 pm


I wonder if anyone can help.

I am re-reading River God for the second time. I leant out my original copy so I had to buy a new one.

I seem to remeber the story ending with Taita and co returning to Egypt and defeating the Hyksos.

The new paperback copy that I have ends with the decision to return only, and does not desribe the actual return.

It has 618 pages, and ends with the sentence

'Perhaps it was not for Gods, but men who had given this advice to return northwards'

Is this acyually the end or has somebody removed the last few pages?
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Re: River God Ending

Postby Nefer » Tue Dec 29, 2009 6:17 pm

I think some mean person ripped out the ending of the book! :shock: The last 2 pages in my paperback has a brief author's note.

The actual ending of the story describes Memnon's victory over the Hyksos and Lostris's death - the event that got Taita to write the scrolls in the first place.

If you can, take the book back and get them to exchange it for a copy with the full ending.
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Re: River God Ending

Postby pocketsout » Wed Dec 30, 2009 8:52 am

Thanks Nefer.

Thought it was a bit odd. I will take it back and exchange it.
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